I give up!
This week has taught me one thing: Migraines trump snark.
Hell, migraines trump most things that are not soft, gentle and quiet. Fortunately for me, I happen to have things like this little girl on hand. She is one of a pair we adopted a few weeks ago from a farm in the next valley. Her baby brother is a few weeks younger and until a few days ago, when his legs grew a few inches overnight, he was more galloping fluffball than anything else.
The two of them are at the age where they have three modes: sleepy, snuggly, and batshit. )If we had three cats, I might name them that...) I swear there is an invisible batshit ray that comes through here about 1am. Every. Damned. Night. After waking and sleepy snuggles from us, they will both suddenly perk up and do a synchronized dive off the couch and they are off!
They have what we call the racetrack, created by a combination of open, but cluttered design and hardwood floors. It goes something like this: under the coffee table, over our feet, behind an end table, on the piano base, in/out of their sleeping basket, through the legs of a small side table, a jump over (or in) their food, a bounce off the wicker basket with recycling, through the dining room chairs, a slide around the corner into the kitchen, out the other door and down to the end of the hall. Did I mention we have hardwood floors? Yeah, Lots of sliding. Lots. Once the inevitable tussle at the end of the hall is over, they run back into the living room, under the coffee table, and the thing starts over again.
From the couch, I can see about 8 discrete spots along this route. It's like an odd live-toon with the kitten in the lead changing from glimpse to glimpse. I've been trying to catch them on film memory card but no luck yet. I don't want to think about what they do when we aren't around to watch. I imagine it's something like this...
Bonus: One of the rare photos of my two furlings that is not just a blur is of them sleeping together. It's rather precious in that soft, gentle and quiet sort of way and I even made a 1440x900 version for you to download for your desktop. Grab it here: A snuggle of kittens.
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